født: 02.09.65
bosted: Nittedal
1992 Statens håndverks- og kunstindustriskole, hovedfag i fri tegning, Oslo
1985 -89: Statens håndverks- og kunstindustriskole, inst. for metall, Oslo
2005 "Tegn til liv", Tegnerforbundet, Oslo
2003 "Stille liv", Kunstnersenteret i Buskerud
2001 "Under jorden", Unge Kunstneres Samfund
2000 "Et annet sted", Kinogalleriet, Rjukan
Gruppe- og kollektivutstillinger: (i utvalg)
2004 "Vårutstillingen 2004", Tegnerforbundet
2000 "Utsmykking nye RIT", Trondheim kunstmuseum
1997 Tegneutstilling, Peder Balke-senteret
1995 Vandreutstilling, Akershus kunstnersenter
1995 "Nordisk Alibi", Tegnerforbundet, Oslo
1994 "Månedens utstiller i oktober", Akershus kunstnersenter
1994 Utstilling med finalistene i Cappelens barnebokkonkurranse, Tegnerforbundet, Oslo
1993 Tegnerforbundet, Oslo
Års- og landsdelsutstillinger:
2004 Østlandsutstillingen II, Galleri Skårer, Lillehammer Kulturhus - Banken, Galleri F15, Fossekleiva Galleri
-02, -97, -96, -94, -93, -92: Østlandsutstillingen
1992, -91: Høstutstillingen
2005, -04: Vederlagsfondet
2003, -02, -00, 1998: Utstillingsstipend fra Norsk kulturfond
1998 Kunstnerstipend fra Tinn kommune og Tinn sparebank
1998 Debutantstøtte
1997 Utstyrstøtte
1992 Vederlagsfondet
Utsmykkinger/ innkjøpt:
2004 Nadderud videregående skole
2002 LCA Corporated Art LTD, cruiseskipet "Radiance II"
1996 Oslo hovedflyplass, Gardermoen
1996 Akershus fylkeskommune
2001 -05: Underviser i Kunst- og håndverksfag, Nittedal ungdomsskole
2001 -04, Tegnekurs og formidlingsarbeid for Pilotgalleriet i Akershus
1997 Scenograf for Askeladden barne- og ungdomsteater ved oppsetting av Erling Kittelsens "Huset med de sju dokkene"
Norske Billedkunstnere (NBK), Billedkunstnerene i Oslo og Akershus, Tegnerforbundet, Norsk Billedhoggerforening, Unge Kunstneres Samfund


born 02.09.65
lives in Nittedal, Norway
1992 National College of Art and Design, 1,5 year Master's degree in free drawing, Oslo, Norway
1985 -89: National College of Art and Design, institute of metal, Oslo, Norway
Separate Exhibitions:
2005 "Signs of Life", The Drawing Art Association of Norway, Oslo
2003 "Silent Life", Buskerud Art Centre, Drammen, Norway
2001 "Under Ground", Young Artists' Society, Oslo, Norway
2000 "Another Place", Kinogalleriet, Rjukan, Norway
Group Exhibitions: (selection)
2004 "Spring exhibition 2004", The Drawing Art Association of Norway, Oslo
2000 "Decoration for the new RIT", Trondheim Art Museum, Trondheim, Norway
1997 Exhibition of drawings, Peder Balke Centre, Toten, Norway
1995 Travelling exhibition, Akershus Art Centre, Lillestrøm, Norway
1995 "Nordic Alibi", Tegnerforbundet, Oslo, Norway
1994 "Exhibitor of the Month in October", Akershus Art Centre, Strømmen, Norway
1994 Exhibition along with other finalists in Cappelen's children's book competition, The Drawing Art Association of Norway, Oslo
1993 The Drawing Art Association of Norway, Oslo
Annual and Regional Exhibitions:
2004 Eastern Norway Exhibition II, Galleri Skårer, Lillehammer Kulturhus - Banken, Galleri F15, Fossekleiva Galleri
-02, -97, -96, -94, -93, -92: Eastern Norway Exhibition
1992 -91: The National Annual Autumn Exhibition, Oslo, Norway
Grants and Scholarships:
2005, -04: "Vederlagsfondet"
2003, -02, -00, 1998: Exhibition grant from the Norwegian Cultural Fund
1998 Artist grant from the municipality of Tinn and Tinn Sparebank
1998 Debutant scholarship
1997 Supplies grant
1992 "Vederlagsfondet"
Decoration on commission/Purchase:
2004 Nadderud high school, Akershus County, Norway
2002 LCA Corporated Art LTD, cruise ship "Radiance II"
1996 Oslo Airport, Gardermoen, Norway
1996 Akershus County Council
2001 -05: Teacher in Arts and Crafts, Nittedal comprehensive school
2001 -04: Drawing classes and art dissemination for children and youth for Pilotgalleriet, Akershus
1997 Scenographer for the play "House of the Seven Dolls" by Erling Kittelsen, Askeladden theatre group for children and youth
Association of Norwegian Visual Artists (NBK), Visual Artists in Oslo and Akershus, The Drawing Art Association of Norway, Association of Norwegian Sculptors, Young Artists' Society
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